Sarah Juniper

Travelling across the world, experiencing the diverse differences and similarities of cultural, social and environmental needs; this is where my story starts. 

I have had so many incredible opportunities and experiences, including meeting and learning with the Pygmy peoples of Africa as they develop their new land, walking with lions about to be released into the wild, dancing with the locals during Colombia’s carnival, hiking the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu, Peru, celebrating Diwali in New Delhi and eating with a 300 strong community at the Golden Temple. Travel has forced me to be resilient, adaptable and self-aware. 

Having achieved an Advanced Certificate in Coaching Practice and Neuroscience and a Masters in Psychology, I continue to invest in my personal and professional development through exploring and partaking in a range of Holistic Therapies. 

Alongside this I have a vast amount of experience spanning over a decade, working with communities in the UK from diverse backgrounds, cultures, ages and complex needs represented within the education, charity, agriculture, sales and business sectors. 

These life experiences have led to me standing here today excited to offer opportunities that focus on Health, Community and the Environment. 

Charlotte Juniper

After spending over a decade in the corporate world analysing financial data and visiting factories in industrial China, my world changed completely in 2023 when we welcomed our daughter to the world.

After graduating university in 2009, I spent the next 14 years travelling the world alongside building a career. Always eager to learn and develop new skills I achieved my CIMA qualification in 2015 enabling me to climb the corporate ladder and thrive in the fast paced, ever changing and demanding world of supply chain.

Since becoming a mum, I have learnt to appreciate the struggles many must face around being a parent and being themselves. I’m constantly searching for places to go that stimulate my daughter and myself; that enable me to engage with her in an environment that aids her development and provides opportunities to get her safely exploring the outdoors. 

My wishes as a parent are to provide my daughter with every opportunity to thrive in this world. I want her to grow with an appreciation of the importance of her personal well being and  believe that she can break down any barriers she may face, to know that it is possible to achieve anything, with the right mindset and the right support.

This is the dream that has led me here today, bringing you Nanuco, providing you with a place where you can connect, grow, and thrive together.
